From Travelers World (Carefree) RV Park, San Antonio, Texas Someone in Louisiana suggested to Pam and Ernie that we take a day to visit the Gruene (pronounced "green") historic district of New Braunfels, Texas while we're in nearby San Antonio. Pam did the research and on Sunday, December 13, we took the half-hour drive and... here we are!
The Wayner with the famous dance hall in the background. |
Built in 1878, Gruene Hall is the oldest continually operating (and the most famous) dance hall in Texas! It's no accident that this place hasn't changed much in all those years... the owners wanted to keep it's original feel. It has a 6,000 square foot dance hall with a tin roof and open air sides. There's a bar in front complete with a pot belly heater.
The Gruene hall bar. Dance floor is on the other side of the bar. |
What we didn't realize at the time is that Gruene Hall is an internationally recognized tourist attraction and major music venue. Recognizable names like Willie Nelson, George Strait, Lyle Lovett, Gregg Allman and others have performed here. Gruene Hall was also used in the John Travolta movie,
The dance floor. My picture was just not good. |
Between music sets, Joyce, Charlie, Pam, Ernie, Wayne and I toured the historic area surrounding Gruene Hall and found great enjoyment in every store!
Taffy and homemade fudge at the General Store. |
Lots of goodies available for taste testing in the General Store.
This table holds flavored peanut butter. |
All the candies anyone could want... old and new varieties... but seriously, Armadillo Poo? |
Behind the counter of the General Store. This is here I tried, unsuccessfully, to purchase a new Tervis tumbler and a bit of fudge, but gave up after waiting in line for more almost 10 minutes. |
Pam and Joyce
The Christmas tree in the background is decorated with lighted red chili peppers |
We stopped in the Gristmill River Restaurant and had dinner on the patio. The night air was cool so the plastic drops and outdoor heaters were used. It worked... kind of.
Ernie, Wayne, me, Joyce, Charlie and Pam at Gristmill River Restaurant |
Gruene is all dressed in Christmas lights and we took advantage of the holiday scenery by taking a few photos after dinner. We couldn't resist.
Pam outside Gristmill River Restaurant |
The three of us.... Joyce, Pam and me. |
The General Store on the left. Gruene Hall in the center.
The water tower is lit in green and red on the right. |
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