Nearing the fourth month with Lexie, her beautiful white hair has grown to the point of causing concern about grooming. Daily brushings and frequent eye washing are making her coat look nice but the desert dust sure takes it's toll. The vet recommended no more frequent baths than every two weeks.
Almost everyone in the campground has at least one dog -- most have more. We've gotten several groomer recommendations but there is always conflicting information. One person's favorite groomer is the "groomer from hell" for the next person.
After much deliberation, I've decided to learn to groom Lexie myself. After all, I can and do cut my own hair and Wayne's. Not that we're any better looking for it -- but it gets done regularly and always looks about the same.
I did some online research and ordered a video covering all aspects of Maltese specific groom -- everything from bathing to bow making. I expect the total cost for the video, equipment and supplies will run nearly $300 but that should be recouped easily within a few months given grooming prices.
He's Wayne and I'm Antoinette. Since July 2010 we've been traveling North America, living full-time in our motorhome (see it at page bottom) with two rescued dogs. Our adventures are chronicled as a virtual retirement and travel memoir. Click a tab below to see our camping history, get answers to full-time RV questions, see our travel map, our dogs, favorite places and things we've noticed along the way.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Yuma Earthquake
Friday, February 18 was another sunny, dry, desert day in Yuma. While Lexie and I had just finished our mid-morning brushing on the patio and had laid back in the recliner; Wayne was inside finishing his morning stock market analysis. Suddenly, quietly and without warning, the ground began undulating; not violently, but rather like a roller coaster. I felt nauseous. Wayne came to the door and in unison we both said "earthquake".
Some of the neighbors here in the campground felt the movement -- others did not. We learned that earthquakes are rather common here; several occurred last year. One shook several campers enough to cause wall clocks to fall and cabinet doors to open.
It didn't even make the news. Ho hum. Makes me real eager to go on into California.
Today, Saturday, February 19 brought the first downpour of rain since December 7 while we were driving into Victoria, Texas. Rain is expected to last all day today and tonight. The daytime temperatures are expected to drop from the 70's into the 60's.
Since that earthquake, we've felt others. I think they are really common.
Some of the neighbors here in the campground felt the movement -- others did not. We learned that earthquakes are rather common here; several occurred last year. One shook several campers enough to cause wall clocks to fall and cabinet doors to open.
It didn't even make the news. Ho hum. Makes me real eager to go on into California.
Today, Saturday, February 19 brought the first downpour of rain since December 7 while we were driving into Victoria, Texas. Rain is expected to last all day today and tonight. The daytime temperatures are expected to drop from the 70's into the 60's.
Since that earthquake, we've felt others. I think they are really common.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Lexie In A Bag
Yuma has three big flea markets and on Sunday we visited the one nearest to our campground where we enjoyed lunch and a few hours of "window shopping". I'd been looking for something to put Lexie in so I could carry her easily when we're out and not on the leash. We're not good enough at leashing yet to try it in populated situations. At one of the flea market pet booths, I found the "Outward Hound" -- something of a backward backpack that holds a small dog in such a way that Lexie can sit in it and look out. This leaves my hand free and is comfortable for all involved. It did take some getting used to but Lexie now sits in it easily and we asked "pop" to snap this picture of us....
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Amy Visits Yuma!
To our surprise, Amy flew into Yuma for her work with Taylor Farms. Her days and early evenings were filled with meetings and dinners, but we did get to have brunch and deliver her to the airport for the flight home.
Wayne took this picture of Amy and me. Brunch was fabulous at a little place in downtown Yuma. |
Our Visit to Yuma
Almost a full month has passed since we checked into Arizona Sands RV Park in Yuma. It's an "old folks" community (55+ age restriction) so we love it, of course. The weather has been near perfect, warm 70 degree days and nights in the 50's. The campground stays pretty much full all the time now. License plates from all over the mid-west and western Canada can be seen here in the park and all over Yuma.
We're told Yuma's population triples during the winter season. We full-timers are referred to as "winter visitors" here -- as opposed to being called "snowbirds" in Florida, "winter Texans" in Texas or other nicknames we've heard.
The Marine Corp Air Station is in Yuma; just down the road from our campground. We get to see lots of military aircraft, including the fabulous Harrier Jets.
Around the first of February, we made the decision to stay at Arizona Sands to wait out the worst of the winter. The campground has shortcomings: no laundry facility or pool and the roads are gravel so the dust can be troublesome.
Yuma is an RV'ers paradise with more than 70 campgrounds (we're told) and vendors to cater to any and all camping needs. While here we're taking advantage of the competetive pricing, having the vehicles washed and waxed and the roof re-sealed. We're also having the ice maker repaired -- it has been broken for a few months now. We're also working toward getting the new flat panel tv picture improved. Wayne is contemplating getting new tires too even though ours look fine. We're told that even though the coach has been kept indoors with very few miles, the life of tires is 5-6 years and a blowout, particularly on the front can be deadly.
Lexie is settling nicely into her new home but still will not allow us to touch her or pick her up directly from the floor. Fortunately,we can easily pick her up from her bed -- and she understands the command to get into the bed. She is warming up nicely to both of us and knows this is her home. At mealtime, she now jumps, runs and barks. We think that is a good thing. She likes laying on my chest or lap when I recline or lay flat on the sofa. She seems to enjoy traveling both in the motorhome and in the car and we take her everywhere, leaving her in the car when we can't take her inside (i.e., grocery store). If the weather gets much warmer we won't be able to do that as it will get too hot inside the car. We've also introduced dental dog bones (rawhide) to Lexie and she spends an hour tearing them into shreds.
A view of farmland, palms and the beautiful mountain range near our campground. |
The Marine Corp Air Station is in Yuma; just down the road from our campground. We get to see lots of military aircraft, including the fabulous Harrier Jets.
Around the first of February, we made the decision to stay at Arizona Sands to wait out the worst of the winter. The campground has shortcomings: no laundry facility or pool and the roads are gravel so the dust can be troublesome.
Our site on Sagebrush Drive. Note the gravel campsite and gravel roadway. |
RV parks, suppliers, dealers and services are everywhere. |
Lexie is settling nicely into her new home but still will not allow us to touch her or pick her up directly from the floor. Fortunately,we can easily pick her up from her bed -- and she understands the command to get into the bed. She is warming up nicely to both of us and knows this is her home. At mealtime, she now jumps, runs and barks. We think that is a good thing. She likes laying on my chest or lap when I recline or lay flat on the sofa. She seems to enjoy traveling both in the motorhome and in the car and we take her everywhere, leaving her in the car when we can't take her inside (i.e., grocery store). If the weather gets much warmer we won't be able to do that as it will get too hot inside the car. We've also introduced dental dog bones (rawhide) to Lexie and she spends an hour tearing them into shreds.
A very dirty Lexie. |
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