Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fighting Sciatica With A New Mattress

Wayne's back has begun hurting again. Wanting to avoid the horrible sciatica pain suffered last December and January, we're attacking the problem before it gets worse.  He's been religious in exercising since the first 'bout with sciatica and we try to get in a little walking every day too.  Still, I fear the sciatica is going to get the upper hand...

Today we splurged for a Tempurpedic mattress.  Gulp.

The process was lengthy but thorough -- we spent well over two hours in the furniture store. If one mattress felt good, he tried another to see if it felt better. He lay on his back and both sides. He lay in one position for long periods.  The wonderfully knowledgeable sales lady encouraged us to stay as long as we liked. Finally the perfect mattress was chosen. 

We didn't stop there -- we're not taking any chances with this sciatica pain. 

We bought four new pillows; two regular sleeping pillows, a side sleeping pillow for Wayne and another one to fit between his knees when he's on his side. 

There'll barely be room enough for me in the bed now.  The new mattress was delivered and the old one taken away this afternoon.  I hope we sleep tonight.  (Lexie woke us up jumping onto the bed at 5 a.m.)

Late afternoon we returned to another furniture store.  This one sells Ekorne Stressless Recliners. Tomorrow we'll have them remove one of the two sofas from our coach and replace it with the new recliner and ottoman. 

If the new sitting and sleeping arrangement doesn't help Wayne's back, perhaps the weight reduction from his pocket will... Ha Ha.

1 comment:

  1. I have some serious back pain, not sure if its sciatica or not but I just bought a memory foam mattress and I really hope it works.
