Ready to cook. |
Trout Dinner
Our Red Rock RV Park neighbor, Chet and his wife, Chris, made a mistake when they bragged about the wonderful trout they were cooking on the grill last week. I love good fish.
After a minimal amount of begging from me, Chet brought over a huge bag of frozen cutthroat and brook trout and shared his grilling recipe. I thanked him profusely and offered to pay for the fish but he refused payment.
We kept the fish frozen until Saturday when we'd have plenty of time to cook and enjoy eating them.
Chet describes his cooking technique to Wayne. |
The trout was delicious but could have fed a small army. We are, after all, just four old folks. Marcella, Landon, Wayne and me -- along with our mutts, BJ and Lexie.
Mesa Falls
We'll travel along the Mesa Falls Scenic Byway that begins in Ashton, Idaho and travels through some beautiful farmland. This is the "world's largest seed potato producing area" -- who knew?
I liked this sign simply because there's a moose on it. I'm still on the moose hunt. |
Big Falls Inn is listed on the Register of National Historic Places. circa 1916 |
Marcella, Landon and their protective dog, BJ. |
Inside the Inn I found another moose. No live ones yet. |
Fear the beard -- the Wayner. |
This area is part of Henry's Fork trout stream. Eating our trout dinner last night, I didn't know, but learned today that Cutthroat Trout are the only native trout in these Henry's Fork waters. Brook and Rainbow trout were introduced in the 1880's.
This picture was taken just after someone approached me asking to pet Lexie. Poor dear, I had to decline as my little furbaby is so afraid right now. |
After touring the Upper Falls, Wayne and Lexie waited in the shady car while I explored the historical significance inside the Inn (that's where I found the stuffed moose, a bear, porcupine and numerous other wildlife remains). We ate lunch at a picnic table in the shade and then moved on to the Lower Falls -- just a short one-mile drive down the Mesa Falls Scenic Byway.
The Lower Mesa Falls is 65' high. A rock walled overlook was build here by the CCC in the 1930's. |
Looking across the Warm River to the Tetons. The Tetons are from left to right: Mount Owen, 12,928' - Grand Teton 13,770 - Table Mountain 11,106 - Middle Mountain 12,804 - South Mountain 12,541 |
Driving down into the farmland. Tetons in the background |
You be the judge... is this beautiful? |
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