By January 7th, the whole gang had arrived and we were starting to feel right at home. Other familiar faces from last year showed up and there were also new people to meet. The only thing not falling into place was the weather. We've gone from hot to cold and back again to damp and overcast.
Joyce, Nancy and Janie (standing). Donna (squatted) and her new pup, Zoey |
Before the others arrived I got my hair cut. Our friend Linda is a professional hairdresser and she gives wonderfully magical massaging haircuts. I cut my own hair with electric clippers except when Linda does it, which simply just is not often enough. The haircut made such a difference that for a few weeks, I actually enjoyed styling my hair. I even colored it and started using conditioner. Thanks for the inspiration, Linda.
Our good friend and campground hairdresser, Linda. |
The group had a nice late summer reunion at Cape Cod but Janie and Mark were not there so it was especially good to see the two of them. It's hard to imagine that all these people have in common is the friendship we've made here at the campground.
Janie, Dale and Nancy, happy together! |
The first order of business for this group of friends is always food and we picked up right where we left off last spring -- with group dinners. Within the first two weeks we had a Ham-N-Bean Dinner, Taco Night and a "Bring Your Own" Cookout. Here are a few pictures of those gatherings...
Mary bringing a pot of deliciousness to our banquet.
That's her rig in the background. |
At the ever-expanding Banquet Hall. Someone rustled another picnic table.
Dale, Mary, Nancy, Linda, Joyce and Ken preparing to eat...again. |
Wayne and Dale have a game of Ladderball before dinner. |
During the past few months, Wayne and I began discussions of activities we might like to pursue. Along with my regular walking, we've entertained the idea of taking up golf (Wayne used to be quite good), kayaking and/or biking. We came upon what seems to be a good idea and bought a pair of folding bikes that we can carry in the car. The used bikes are in excellent condition and a good deal financially. We will save the expense of buying a bike rack and having a hitch installed.
Pop, the pups and the new bike rig. |
One of our biking criteria was having Lexie and Ozzie go with us. We considered several options for carrying them and decided on a trailer designed to carry one small child since the two have a combined weight of about 16 pounds. The trailer folds to fit alongside the bikes in the car.
Lexie (front) and Ozzie (rear) in their new ride. |
The final BCS Championship Game was played between Auburn and Florida State. Interesting that we're considered "Seminoles" while we're here at the campground but we're Auburn devotees. A couple of days before the game, I carefully hung our Auburn Tiger paraphernalia all 'round the campsite. Despite the miraculous season our Tigers had, they were defeated by the Seminoles 34-31. While a win would have been great, we're not unhappy to be second best in the nation.
We're looking forward to attending the Annual RV Supershow in Tampa during January. Several of our group are planning to go along. You come too, okay?
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