Tuesday, August 5, 2014

RVillage... It's Like Facebook For RVers!

Looking through some other RVer Blogs today, I ran across www.RVillage.com . I browsed for a few minutes and decided to join.  If participants utilize this social network for RV travelers, it will be something I'll enjoy using.

We shall see.


  1. So far I haven't had much luck with it.

    1. Hi Jim and Sandie,

      I am part of the RVillage team and we are eager to hear feedback like yours. If you are having trouble finding people near you, your first stop on the site should be the Explore Map where you can view all members within 250 miles of your location. Feel free to email me with any questions you have: rvparkadmin@rvfriendnetwork.com

  2. Thanks for the heads up on Rvillage, it looks like it will be very useful when we hit the road again
