Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Sunday, January 1st., New Years Day was warm (low 70's) and mostly sunny even though these late afternoon pictures show a little cloudiness overhead. 
Wayne and Ozzie
Mom and Lexie
To close out the old year and welcome the new one, we did what we usually do... sleep.  Even the nearby train horns won't disturb us.  Never does.  We are, quite frankly, happy to see the holiday season come to a close. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because we are observers and not real participants this year.  Maybe next year, I'll muster a bit more spirit.

Lexie and Ozzie were bathed today and for a few short hours, they will look really good. It only takes one day for Ozzie to get his face hair all dirty. I don't know how he does it.

We sat outside during the late afternoon -- nearly dinnertime for the furkids. They were watching Pop's every move for a sign of the big moment when he announces, "time to eat".

The weather is forcast to turn cold by Tuesday so on Monday, January 2nd we make a special effort to enjoy the sun and fair temperatures.  Joe and Pam, our neighbors and fellow dog lovers, brought over their dog playpen and we connected it to ours to make a super-size place for the four dogs to romp in the sunshine. In a few minutes another neighbor, Billie, brought her two furkids for a neighborhood playdate.  Couldn't resist a few more doggie photos...
The people in this photo are (L to R) Pam, Billie, Wayne and Joe

Billie, Wayne and Me.

This is our new personalized wooden camp sign. We love it.

Pam (looking serious but really isn't)

Joe had an urge to trim some stray hairs off Allie.
 Pam holds her while Joe undertakes this all-important task.

Pam and Allie

Joe and Pam

And of course.... the DOGS!

Izzy and Allie (Joe and Pam's) are at the top.
Billie's babies are on the right - Todora (checkered band) and Zoey.
Our Lexie (Left) and Ozzie (Right) are nearest.

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